Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why is the Radome of Airplanes made using composite?

You should have seen aircrafts with fully aluminium skin fuselage but only the Radome fabricated from composite materials, before knowing the reason you must know what a Radome is and why is it called a Radome.

Radome is at the nose of aircraft and it houses a Weather Radar. It gives it the name RADOME, as RAdar and DOME (for it's dome shape)


The purpose of using composite material is only the reason that composite does not cause hindrance in transmission and reception of Radio Waves from/to the Weather Radar, which aluminium or any other metal used could cause.
But the associated problem in using Composite is the accumulation of static charges, well this problem is driven away by using conducting strips (the strips you see on the Radome in the picture above) on the composite Radome, These strips carry away the charges to the fuselage thus conducting charges away as the bonding jumpers do.


P.S. correct me where I am wrong!

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